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Nappoholics Anonymous

Paintings, Pornos, and Broken Countries

Every single fucking time there is a mass shooting, we all give the speeches, and we all share the memes (to each other, who are all mostly already in agreement), but nothing changes.

By Tony Nappo / Jun 7, 2022

Gottfried, Strays, and Easter Eggs

Dogs rarely have a hidden agenda when they meet people or other dogs: they're either wagging that shit or they aren’t.

By Tony Nappo / Apr 26, 2022

Slapping People, ACTRA Meetings, and Dog Shit

At one point, I was sleeping with so many actresses that they used to just hold ACTRA meetings in my bedroom.

By Tony Nappo / Apr 5, 2022

Birthdays, Cranes, and Judd Apatow

If the Freedom Convoy has answered one question for every Canadian, I think it's this: whatever happened to that dumb kid in my class?

By Tony Nappo / Mar 8, 2022