
Nathan Carroll
Nathan lives in Toronto and has worked across the country as an actor. He plays water polo and squash, loves dinner parties in winter and Hanlan's Point in summer, and has watched at least one episode of Will and Grace every day since he was a teenager. He encourages anyone who wants to continue the conversation about mental health to connect with him at
LEARN MOREQ&A: Casey and Diana director Andrew Kushnir on bringing the acclaimed drama to Theatre Aquarius
“There’s lots to grieve right now in the world,” says Kushnir. “But there are so few communal places to be with that grief. And I do think grieving in public normalizes a universal human condition: that we’ve all loved and lost something (time, a dream, a way of life) — or, more commonly, a dear someone.”
Meet the participants of What Writing Can Do: The 2025 Musical Theatre Critics Lab
Theatre Aquarius’ National Centre for New Musicals, the Grand Theatre, and Intermission Magazine are excited to announce the cohort of What Writing Can Do: The 2025 Musical Theatre Critics Lab.
REVIEW: Mirvish’s Just For One Day gives Live Aid the showchoir treatment
It’s a group effort to a rather incredible degree — many of the songs are essentially riff battles, with the singers hot-potatoing the melody around.
REVIEW: A Streetcar Named Desire pulls into Theatre Calgary for the first time in over two decades
You’ll find everything you might expect from a take on A Streetcar Named Desire: sensuality, top-notch performances, and all.
REVIEW: Cliff Cardinal’s CBC Special is a real gem
Cliff Cardinal’s CBC Special may not broadcast on Canadian television, but it is, indeed, quite special.
REVIEW: La Reine-garçon hits like an avalanche at the COC
This co-production between the Canadian Opera Company and the Opéra de Montréal is eminently watchable.
6 in the Six: The Problem with “The Show Must Go On”
The resources available to us and the awareness we have about public services feel meagre and insufficient.
The Problem With “The Show Must Go On”
When I reflect on the number of artists I know who suffer from mental health issues, and the unique stressors that come with our profession, the resources available to us and the awareness we have about public services feel meagre and insufficient.