Based on the beloved novel by Yann Martel, the exquisite touring production uses puppets as its vocabulary, asking complex questions about storytelling and the power of imagination.
While the play’s ideas sizzle and pop with contemporary verve, the story’s an occasionally frustrating vessel for those captivating sentiments on politics and identity.
By Aisling Murphy /Sep 13, 2024
iPhoto caption: Promotional image from The Tempest: A Witch in Algiers at Shakespeare in the Ruff. Photo courtesy of Shakespeare in the Ruff.
You may think you know the story of The Tempest, Shakespeare’s shipwrecked saga about wizards, spirits, and nobility on a remote island. But in The Tempest: A Witch in Algiers, playwright Makram Ayache invites new consideration of canonized characters,
By Aisling Murphy /Aug 31, 2024
iPhoto caption: Starr Domingue and Olivia Sinclair-Brisbane in Something Rotten! at the Stratford Festival. Production stills by David Hou.
Two mid-show standing ovations? Really? Yes, really. Or so say the leading ladies of Something Rotten!. For those who’ve spent the summer living under a rock, Something Rotten! (written by...