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distant early warning

iPhoto caption: Pearle Harbour (Justin Miller) performs in Early Distant Warning, featuring set design by Jackie Chau, lighting design by Jareth Li, and costume design by Julia Howman. Photo by Jeremy Mimnagh

REVIEW: Distant Early Warning at Buddies in Bad Times Theatre

In her one-woman show, Pearle Harbour (Justin Miller) proves that the best way to endure life’s challenges is with humour.

By Stephen Low / May 24, 2022

“Pearle Is My Superpower”: In Conversation with Justin Miller (AKA Pearle Harbour) and John Turner

“Audiences tend to focus on the loveable parts of Pearle. But there are deep and dark parts, too. I wanted to make her go through it," says Justin Miller, creator of Pearle Harbour.

By Aisling Murphy / May 19, 2022