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iPhoto caption: From top left: The Seagull (Soulpepper), Hypothetical Baby (The Howland Company), As You Like It, a radical retelling (Crow's/Mirvish), Letters from Max (Necessary Angel), Maanomaa, My Brother (Canadian Stage/Blue Bird), Monster (Factory), Maggie (Theatre Aquarius), Casey and Diana (Stratford Festival), The Master Plan (Crow's). All photos except Casey and Diana by Dahlia Katz; Casey and Diana photo by Cylla von Tiedemann.

Our favourite theatre productions of 2023, in Toronto and beyond

These shows have stood the test of at least a few weeks, if not several months. Their pleasures are not transitory, but mature and long-lasting. We think of them often.

By Aisling Murphy, , Liam Donovan / Dec 22, 2023

In Conversation: Ken MacKenzie

The question, “What is the opposite thing that we’re not doing in this moment, and can it help us?” feels more vital to me than it did in the past.

interview by May Antaki / Mar 1, 2018

Stack of Hats

In my quest for roles to play I have added titles to my name like Boy Scouts badges on a sash.

By Daniel Pagett / May 19, 2016