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Megan Robinson

iPhoto caption: Original photo by Andrew Scanlon.

6 in the Six: The Problem with “The Show Must Go On”

The resources available to us and the awareness we have about public services feel meagre and insufficient.

By Nathan Carroll / May 30, 2022

The Problem With “The Show Must Go On”

When I reflect on the number of artists I know who suffer from mental health issues, and the unique stressors that come with our profession, the resources available to us and the awareness we have about public services feel meagre and insufficient.

By Nathan Carroll / May 11, 2018

The Most Popular Intermission Articles of 2017

Here are the most-read articles onĀ IntermissionĀ in 2017.

Dec 20, 2017

Confessions from Theatre School

Someone once told me that these theatre programs break you down in order to build you up.

By Megan Robinson / Feb 17, 2017