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Santee Smith

iPhoto caption: Photo by Rita Taylor

Santee Smith’s SKéN:NEN carries her culture beyond apocalypse

SKéN:NEN, the newest work from Kaha:wi Dance Theatre, fuses movement, narrative, music, and ambitious projection design to tell the story of a young Kahnyen’kehàka woman, Niyoh, who flees her home of Six Nations after a climate catastrophe in the year 2050.

By Nathaniel Hanula-James / May 3, 2024
iPhoto caption: Photo by Rita Taylor

TO Live brings theatrical premiere of SKéN:NEN to the Bluma Appel Theatre

This May, TO Live will collaborate with Kaha:wi Dance Theatre to present SKéN:NEN, an immersive dance performance with a narrative rooted in cultural knowledge.

By Liam Donovan / Apr 19, 2024

Clearing a Path for Indigenous Artists

“I think in a lot of ways we’re trying to clear a path, making this a place that feels more accessible to Indigenous artists.”

By May Antaki / Oct 12, 2017