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theatre on film

Amaka Umeh as the titular prince in Stratford Festival's 2022 production of Hamlet. She crouches onstage, facing the camera, shouting intently at her audience. Smoke billows from the stage around her hands. Above her head is the red and white logo for STRATFEST@HOME. Original Photo by David Hou. Image courtesy of Stratford Festival. iPhoto caption: Amaka Umeh as the titular prince in Stratford Festival's 2022 production of Hamlet. Original Photo by David Hou. Image courtesy of Stratford Festival.

Stratford at School: The Festival Introduces Curated Educational Streaming Service

STRATFEST@HOME is a digital subscription service that allows patrons to stream the entire catalogue of Stratford Festival On Film recordings.

By Elizabeth Amos / Mar 2, 2023