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iPhoto caption: Original photo by Andrew Scanlon.

6 in the Six: The Problem with “The Show Must Go On”

The resources available to us and the awareness we have about public services feel meagre and insufficient.

By Nathan Carroll / May 30, 2022

Italian Anger, the Leafs Rebuild, and a Whirlwind Romance

When Italian people are mad at you, it’s really hard to miss. You can see and hear them being mad at you.

By Tony Nappo / Feb 26, 2019

Equity Deputies, Whose Part Is It Anyway?, and Dog Stuff

You know your nose is fucking huge when they powder it for other people’s close-ups.

By Tony Nappo / Jan 23, 2018

Hurricane Ophelia, Coke Advice, and #MeToo

Saw an episode of that show Young Sheldon. It’s exactly like The Wonder Years except that it really fucking sucks.

By Tony Nappo / Oct 17, 2017