I say this over and over, but saying no is the only power you have as an actor. At least if you lose the job, you can lose it on your own terms, and not theirs. And I’m not speaking in theory here, I’m speaking from experience. I’ve been asked twice to re-audition for projects over the years. I said no both times. One time they kept me. One time they didn’t. Life went on just fine both times.
Quick reality check: if your biggest problem after the last year and a half is that you’ve missed being hugged, you don’t actually have any fucking problems.
By Tony Nappo /Aug 10, 2021
iPhoto caption: Anita Majumdar in Boys With Cars, part of the Fish Eyes Trilogy. Photo by Dahlia Katz.
The first thing Jon Kaplan told me was, “I’ve never seen so much anger onstage by a woman.” I guess he saw the expression on my face, because he added, “I mean that as a good thing.”
By Anita Majumdar /Oct 6, 2017
iPhoto caption: Century Song. Photo by John Lauener
I had spent most of my life singing as a white person. If I was performing in a Mozart opera, I would pretend I was the white person who would have been that character. Everything was two steps removed from me.