Backwards and Forwards
“Wow! I just LOVE writing! I’m not crying at all!” I say, writing glorious draft after glorious draft. Or at least, this is how I feel my life should be, while in reality I’m crying in the bath at 6 p.m. on a Tuesday.
By Rhiannon Collett
Oct 27, 2016
iPhoto caption: Ngabo Nabea, Ucal Shillingford, and Karine Ricard in The Numbers Game. Photo by John Gundy.
Binge-Worthy Theatre
The scope of theatre in Toronto is greater than we give it credit for when we’re in our cups, tipsy, and bitching. But it’s when you’re at that place (cups, tipsy, bitching, etc.) that you can get to the heart of what you wish you’d seen.
By Emma Mackenzie Hillier, and James Schultz
Oct 20, 2016